
Showing posts from February, 2018

15A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

Alternative Evaluation: I found that the most common alternatives my segments looks into while searching online for a cruelty-free belt/purse/wallet are simply other available products that meet those needs. These products can be made from cork, canvas, pleather, etc.  but what is interesting is that when I asked about what matters most, even though I interviewed three vegans again, the answers were all different. One guy said to him quality was the most important, that he had gone through too many badly made vegan wallets. I assumed this person had the highest income, another person said she looked for a mix of style and price, while the third interview mentioned he also considered the style and quality, but the price was the biggest determining factor. How/where do they buy? This is often a B2C business, and my interviewees all purchased their products online. However, the thought came to mind while doing this, that I might also be able to sell these products to large ret

14A – Halfway Reflection

In order to keep up with this course, I have honed in on my organizational skills, while at the same time expanding my flexibility. I have remained on schedule with everything assigned, but if I see a window of free time I am still flexible enough to add in some extra assignments to get ahead of schedule. I have not gone through a moment where I almost gave up with this class. But I have gone through that with my Statistics class. What pulled me back in was my determination to try. If I fail, so be it, but at least I shot my shot. That determination isn't something this class has given me or something that I have recently developed, it is something I was raised with by my parents.  Tips for students taking this class next semester: - Take advantage of having all the assignments available and get ahead when you can. - Take advantage that if you just meet the requirements you will get the points. - Truly apply yourself and push your limits and ideas to get more out of this

13A – Reading Reflection No. 1

Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, Ashlee Vance About Elon: What surprised me the most about him was his upbringing. He was bullied a lot as a kid for his genius and creativity. I most admired that he learns everything he can about any business he is going into (reading college-level textbooks on rocket science and engineering). I least admired his family ethics and the way he treated his ex-wife. Elon encounters plenty adversity and failure, just look at how many rockets he blew up in trying to launch his first one. He overcame the adversity by realizing its just part of the journey, and that a lot can be learned from failure. Competencies: Elon was very good at noticing the world going online. He predicted how important the internet was going to be. He helped make Paypal and survived the dot-com bust. Confusion in the reading: The author went into great detail about all the technical and engineering failures Space X had in its first few

12A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Segment :  For my segment, I found it appropriate to pick people who are against animal cruelty/exploitation. All three of my interviewers are people who are passionate in defending animal rights. 1. Sean is a young business owner who runs an Instagram page dedicated to vegan news and food recipes. 2. Ishaan, a colleague who came to the United States from India - in India cows are sacred and Ishaan holds this belief here in the US. 3. Yasmin is a vegetarian who believes animals should be treated fairly. Interviews : Sean: He mentioned that this problem comes around when he is shopping. Both online and retail. Especially if he is looking for any product that is traditionally made from Cowhide leather. He searches online often looking for alternatives and communicates with the vegan community to see what they recommend.  Ishaan: He notices this problem not only when he is shopping for himself, but also when others shop too. He mentioned that there aren't enough compati

11A – Idea Napkin No. 1

1)  You.  My name is Cristian Bernal. I define myself to be a very determined individual with a knack for being fully submerged in whatever I dive into. I have talents in social and creative fields. I can make friends easily, and make people around me comfortable. I have an eye for framing, composition, movement, color, emotion in photography and cinematography.  My skills come from my love of cinematography - They lie in technical aspects such as operating a camera or editing on a computer, but also managing people on set. My experiences are far and wide, the most stand out ones come from traveling, and from people who live controversial lifestyles. My aspirations are to grow multiple streams of revenue, in which every revenue stream is something I am either passionate in or believe in. By having a business that deals with protecting the environment, along with animals, I can see me getting very emotionally invested in it. However, I wouldn't see it playing a day to day role in

10A – Elevator Pitch No. 1

As I thought more and more about my original idea (essentially a CarFax reporting company that works with all service and repair shops), I thought I about how passionate I really was about it. And I realized I was only mildly interested in it. Its core mission was to keep the value of peoples cars from going down.  It's nice, but I think I could do better. That is why I am pivoting my idea into something I personally believe in a bit more. In a nutshell: Pineapple and mushroom based leather wallets, belt, and purses that will provide people with an alternative to traditional cowhide leather products. Its mission is to provide the world with an environmentally friendly alternative in order to leave our planet better than we found it. Here is my elevator pitch:

9A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Intreview1: Donny Marco - Donny has been driving the same car for over 5 years. I thought he was a perfect candidate for my opportunity. He was getting ready to sell his car and I knew that people usually identify with my opportunity when trying to resell their car and get a high value for it. However, Donny did not care much for the idea of a CarFax that works with all car service and repair shops. He said that he did not care for the resale value of his car because it was so low anyway since the car was so old. He was the 3rd owner of it. Interview 2: Todd Stephenson - Todd just got a new car and Imagined that he was going to be all for the opportunity but he wasn't. He just bought a luxury exotic car, BMW i8, and he said that the warranty he got through the dealership would cover everything and did not care for a carfax that works with all car service shops.  Interview 3: Madi Calvert - Madi has a car and takes good care of it. She said she goes to Jiffy Lube as sche

8A – Solving The Problem

People who plan on selling their car in the future all over the world have a desire to keep the value of their car as high as it can be so they can make the most money when they do sell it. The opportunity I saw was that t housands of cars are in and out of repair/maintenance shops, but yet most of those shops aren't registered with Carfax. My solution would be the one of the following: 1. A centralized certified website & app that keeps vehicle maintenance records from ALL repair and maintenance shops. Essentially just like CarFax, except this record keeping website would have partnerships with all the car service shops that Carfax doesn't.  or  2.   Via intrapreneurship, I would make an add-on to CarFax. This add-on would create a subcategory of CarFax, called CarFax EveryShop, where Carfax would become partners with all those other independent car service shops, and whatever services you get done on your car, they appear on your CarFax EveryShop report.