14A – Halfway Reflection

In order to keep up with this course, I have honed in on my organizational skills, while at the same time expanding my flexibility. I have remained on schedule with everything assigned, but if I see a window of free time I am still flexible enough to add in some extra assignments to get ahead of schedule.
I have not gone through a moment where I almost gave up with this class. But I have gone through that with my Statistics class. What pulled me back in was my determination to try. If I fail, so be it, but at least I shot my shot. That determination isn't something this class has given me or something that I have recently developed, it is something I was raised with by my parents. 
Tips for students taking this class next semester:
- Take advantage of having all the assignments available and get ahead when you can.
- Take advantage that if you just meet the requirements you will get the points.
- Truly apply yourself and push your limits and ideas to get more out of this course.


  1. Hi Cristian,
    I agree that probably the best way to stay on top of this class is to stay ahead of assignments, though you still have to remember to do your peer reviews so that part depends on your classmates. Like you, I haven't really had a time when I had to push through this class. To be frank, I don't think it's difficult in the slightest, so I like that you chose to relate back to your statistics class since we've all felt like giving up in math at one point or another.
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. I like that you compared the feeling of giving up to a different class and identified what got you through that; determination. I agree with this but in my case called this being “persistent.” I find it interesting that for your tips you said to take advantage of getting the points by just meeting requirements and also to apply yourself and push your limits to get the most out of the course. I believe these two tips depend on the person. If they want to use the class to benefit them then pushing themselves will help achieve that, but if they just want to get through the class as fast as possible then meeting the requirements is for them.

  3. Hello Cristian,

    I agree with everything that you said here. This class is indeed exactly what you make it. Like you said, you should definitely take advantage of the fact that just meeting the minimum requirements can get you an A in this class. However, because of this, one should also take advantage of the opportunity that this class gives us to simply try our best to come up with something without having to worry about it lowering our grade. We essentially have full freedom to test ideas and not be scrutinized, but rather, to be helped and aided, with critiques from our peers.


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