11A – Idea Napkin No. 1

1) You. 
My name is Cristian Bernal. I define myself to be a very determined individual with a knack for being fully submerged in whatever I dive into. I have talents in social and creative fields. I can make friends easily, and make people around me comfortable. I have an eye for framing, composition, movement, color, emotion in photography and cinematography.  My skills come from my love of cinematography - They lie in technical aspects such as operating a camera or editing on a computer, but also managing people on set. My experiences are far and wide, the most stand out ones come from traveling, and from people who live controversial lifestyles. My aspirations are to grow multiple streams of revenue, in which every revenue stream is something I am either passionate in or believe in. By having a business that deals with protecting the environment, along with animals, I can see me getting very emotionally invested in it. However, I wouldn't see it playing a day to day role in my life since I would hire good management to take care of it all once its up and going. 
2) What are you offering to customers? 
The products are wallets, belts, and purses made from a leather alternative that is made from pineapples and mushrooms (individually). This solves the ethical problem that traditional leather comes from the skin of animals. An animal had to be killed for it to be made, and the environment also suffers greatly (through the keeping of cattle, and the chemical process of "tanning" the skin to turn it into leather). 
3) Who are you offering it to? 
Our products are for those who are environmentally conscious with empathy for all beings. Many people won't have the ethical problem our product solves, and that is ok, we can try to educate, but leather in fashion is engrained into some cultures, and it's ok if they don't believe in alternatives.
Our demographics are going to range on people age 18-35, we are going to target both men and women with all sexual orientations. Average annual income for our target market is going to be 65K+. We are going to target cities with leaning liberal beliefs since that is where we think we will have the most compassionate people - South Florida, LA, NYC, Atlanta, Austin, DC..etc. 
The psychographics is going to be the real commonality our target market has. To begin, our target market will have a more compassionate end empathetic personality and character. Their values are going to be aligned with the companies mission to protect the environment while saving animals lives. Their attitudes are going to vary in small aspects, but overall they are going to be positive and have a hopeful outlook for the future. Their interest can vary depending on who they are, but they will all share the same interest to do what they can in reducing their carbon footprint. 
4) Why do they care? 
Our customers will CARE for our product because it is providing them with a solution to an ethical issue. Our customers will LOVE for our product because, in addition to solving an ethical issue, the products themselves are of the highest quality with deliberate design intentions. Our products will not only be environmentally friendly and considerate of all beings but also incredibly fashionable. Imagine the Gucci of environmentally friendly products.
5) What are your core competencies? 
What sets us apart is that we are not only focused on having an environmentally focused product, but also one that is "cool" among the mainstream. We plan on having partnerships with artist and big influencers. 

I believe that our psychographics clashes a bit with what sets us apart. It's easy to have an environmentally friendly concept when you want to target it to environmentally conscious people - and that's what we intend on doing.  But when we want our product to go mainstream, go beyond only those who are environmentally conscious, by making it the next "cool" designer product, are we selling out our original target market?


  1. Hi Cristian,
    I really like that you chose an ethical problem to address. The leather industry is really awful and I think if more people saw how the animals are treated or where their products come from, they would be disgusted. This is something you could really use to your advantage when marketing your products. Partnering with PETA to show some of these practices could really expand your audience once they realize they no longer want to support that industry. Most people don't know this but there's a chance their leather products could be made from dog skin too. In America at least, this would resonate pretty loudly with people since dogs are held in such high regard. This idea goes well with the modern day push for environmental friendly products.

  2. Hello Christian!

    This is a very strong issue to try and tackle. Being vegan myself (and also into fashion), I would imagine that you would be able to rally a lot of support from people like myself, who want to find ways to help animals and to help the earth as a whole. You would definitely have a market for this, and the market would grow as people become more conscious and start making the transition to living a vegan lifestyle.


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