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12A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1


  1. Hi Cristian,
    Utilizing the internet would be in your company's best interest since that's where your segment really seems to look. A nice webpage with all kinds of information about where the product comes from, how it's made, and how many animals are saved by switching to your alternative could be a really effective source of information for customers. You could also reach the biggest segment by selling your products online because as you said, it is a specific crowd.
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. I believe your segment was a good choice, but I would have been curious as to what other segments you came up with when brainstorming because I feel this is a very specific demographic. However, I see you found people that were very strongly against animal cruelty and had greatly expressed their views, which effectively demonstrates this segment. I see that your interviews in this segment were very alike, as were mine. I also see the key google searches would definitely correlate with your solution so that would be a good way for them to find you.

  3. Hello Cristian,
    I am very interested to see how you continue to develop this idea of yours, in part because my idea is in the same ballpark (a vegan fast food restaurant). I see our ideas going hand-in-hand, and with the rapidly changing societal views on animal consumption and animal cruelty, they could quite possibly become very big and lucrative in this changing economy.


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