8A – Solving The Problem

People who plan on selling their car in the future all over the world have a desire to keep the value of their car as high as it can be so they can make the most money when they do sell it. The opportunity I saw was that thousands of cars are in and out of repair/maintenance shops, but yet most of those shops aren't registered with Carfax. My solution would be the one of the following:

1. A centralized certified website & app that keeps vehicle maintenance records from ALL repair and maintenance shops. Essentially just like CarFax, except this record keeping website would have partnerships with all the car service shops that Carfax doesn't. 


2.  Via intrapreneurship, I would make an add-on to CarFax. This add-on would create a subcategory of CarFax, called CarFax EveryShop, where Carfax would become partners with all those other independent car service shops, and whatever services you get done on your car, they appear on your CarFax EveryShop report. 


  1. I am from New Zealand and do not know if there is a different way of doing things here, but I do not know what Carfax is or how it works. However, from reading your solutions, an app with records from all repair shops makes sense, as information can be updated even if the owner of the car changes. My solution was to also create an app to solve my problem of wait times in restaurants. I believe in this age, technology is very advanced and is a much used part of everyday life, so we both thought to utilize this.

  2. Christian,
    This solution is a great and innovative fix to the problem. Having a centralized car repair record would change the way people interact with their cars. It could quite possible bring about a new era to how things are done, because the way cars are valued would change. Selling people lemons would be much harder, and would be much less frequent. Your way of identifying this problem with a concise solution is what this class is all about.


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