9A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Intreview1: Donny Marco - Donny has been driving the same car for over 5 years. I thought he was a perfect candidate for my opportunity. He was getting ready to sell his car and I knew that people usually identify with my opportunity when trying to resell their car and get a high value for it. However, Donny did not care much for the idea of a CarFax that works with all car service and repair shops. He said that he did not care for the resale value of his car because it was so low anyway since the car was so old. He was the 3rd owner of it.

Interview 2: Todd Stephenson - Todd just got a new car and Imagined that he was going to be all for the opportunity but he wasn't. He just bought a luxury exotic car, BMW i8, and he said that the warranty he got through the dealership would cover everything and did not care for a carfax that works with all car service shops. 

Interview 3: Madi Calvert - Madi has a car and takes good care of it. She said she goes to Jiffy Lube as scheduled and always gets her maintenance done there. When I asked about the opportunity I had in mind, she didn't care for it much because it wasn't her car, it was her parents, and they were not going to sell it anytime soon. She said the car was going to be passed down to her younger brother.

Interview 4: Tre Loren - Tre just purchased a new Chrysler 300. I went to him hoping he didn't have a warranty on his car and could benefit from the opportunity I thought of. However, he did get the warranty and what I had in mind no longer applied to him.

Interview 5: Jesse Eisdorf - Jesse is a huge car guy, buys and sells all the time. He has gone through Mustangs and BMWs. I was sure he would be into and inside the boundaries of my opportunity. However, I learned that car guys like Jesse are part of a bigger car community where people buy and sell cars often, and they usually repair them themselves, thus not seeing a benefit from my opportunity.


Who: There are a ton of people who share the same base as those who need my opportunity, but still fall outside the boundary. The main reasons are: the car already is at a low value, the car has a warranty on it, the car isn't going to be sold, and the car gets fixed and serviced by the owners themselves. 

What: The need I identified differs from others at the point the car owner has none of the above (see "who"), and is looking to resell the car and keep its value high.

Why: The underlying cause from those outside the boundary of my opportunity is very different. They don't even think about such a thing because they don't need it. 

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
People who own cars and plan to resell them.
People who own cars and don't plan to resell, orhave warranties.
The need to keep the cars value highby keeping track of its records.
They don't care to have records of their services, or they go to a prepaid warranty to get their car fixed.
To keep the cars value high, they needto show they took good care of their car.
Since they don't plan on reselling they don't mindthat their current service shop doesn't give thema CarFax record listing. And if they already havea warranty the dealership they go through alreadygets recorded on CarFax.


  1. I found it difficult thinking of people outside the boundary, but when I was interviewing students for my opportunity, I discovered that they were not customers, not in the fact that they still went to restaurants, but because they avoided them all together, selected them based off other factors, or did not care about wait times. That seems like it was the same with you first interview, where they did not care about the need.

  2. Christian,
    I honestly didn't think your solution would have any outliers! This was a very interesting exercise, because it forced us to see our solutions in a new light where, for some reason, people who should fit the bill just don't. In some cases, people simply don't fit our boundaries. The ideas aren't ever foolproof and all encompassing, and we have to account for those outliers.


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