
26A – Celebrating Failure

I failed terribly at investing in bitcoin. Bitcoin was something I had been hearing about for two years now, and I never believed in it. It wasn't until early December of 2017 that I was really interested in investing, but I still didn't. Then around Christmas of 2017 it had almost doubled since early December, I was really kicking myself in but for not investing. Then it came down to about half and started rising again. I thought to myself that enough was enough and it was time for me to pull the trigger. I invested a good amount of money into it, from fear of missing out on the gains. Unfortunately shortly after some announcements were made and bitcoin went down a lot. I lost almost %70 of my investment. I learned to not invest out of emotions. I learned to not invest because that's what my friends were doing. and more importantly, I learned that I should really do research on something before investing. I'm glad that I only invested what I was willing to lose - a p

27A – Reading Reflection No. 3

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson What suprised me: How quirky and hippie Jobs was. He would indulge himself with drug like LSD and Pot. He enjoyed a very minimalistic life. But the quirkiest of all the things he did was his apple diet, where he ate only apples for 2 months.  What do I most admire: He set huge stretch goals for everyone around him. He would not let anyone tell him that something wasn't possible. Jobs always pushed everyone to their limits, sometime it went horribly wrong, but often it lead to incredible sucess.  What do I admire the least: I don't think he had a high emotional inteligence. He didn't seem to empathize a lot for other. He once got locked out of the Apple building because he had not showered or used deodorant and smelled terrible. That was part of his "minimalistic" mentality, but he didn't consider other around him when making those choises. What competencies did Jobs exhibit" He was incredi

22A – Elevator Pitch No. 3

The feedback I got was pretty uniform: Stand up . And that is exactly what I did. And I did feel a change, it made me feel more confident.

23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

1. Flexibly present: the ability to live fully in each moment, doing my best, without fear of changing my mind. Valuable: Incredibly so. It allows me to be fully submerged in each activity I partake in.  Rare: Yes. Imitable: Yes. Requires being very mindful.  Non-substitutable: This cannot be replaced. 2. Creative: thinking outside the box Valuable: Yes, Helps come up with original ideas Rare: not so much Imitable: everyone's creativity is a bit different  Non-substitutable: creativity cannot be replaced 3. Accountable: I like to uphold the activities I say I will accomplish. Valuable: Indeed, helps with staying on track. Rare: No Imitable: Being accountable is Imitable Non-substitutable: Maybe with a staff to keep me in check, but intrinsically no.  4. Detail Oriented: I like to be neat, organized, and have my works be as perfect as possible by making sure all small details excel. Valuable: I think its important in setting up a business and buildin

21A – Reading Reflection No. 2

I read "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman 1) What was the general theme or argument of the book? This book went into detail about our ways of thinking: System 1 - quick almost reaction type thoughts to make decisions, and System 2 - analyzed thoughts and ideas. It dove deeper to cover why we and how we use both systems, and some fallacies that we also use. 2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003? Im more aware now of my style of thinking and thought process. I understand some of the fallacies I can fall for and know to look out for them, 3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve? It would definitely be a study on how we perceive memories. Good or bad? and a look at the actual memory and what made it such. 4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that d

20A – Growing Your Social Capital

Domain Expert: Caleb 1) Who they are and what their background is: Caleb has been a vegan for over 7 years, he does not suopport anything that involves the killing or mistreatment of an animal for human gain.  2) Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot. Caleb fits the domain expert because he is very well educated on the detrimenal truths to the leather indusrty, and also is very experienced in buying products that are animal free. 3) A description of how you found the person and contacted the person. Facebook vegan group 4) The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation?  I told Caleb about my idea and he was immediately interested in learning more. He agreed that there was a need for higher end belts that were animal free. He shared with me his experience with other belts he's had in the past, and did

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1)  You.  My name is Cristian Bernal. I define myself to be a very determined individual with a knack for being fully submerged in whatever I dive into. I have talents in social and creative fields. I can make friends easily, and make people around me comfortable. I have an eye for framing, composition, movement, color, emotion in photography and cinematography.  My skills come from my love of cinematography - They lie in technical aspects such as operating a camera or editing on a computer, but also managing people on set. My experiences are far and wide, the most stand out ones come from traveling, and from people who live controversial lifestyles. My aspirations are to grow multiple streams of revenue, in which every revenue stream is something I am either passionate in or believe in. By having a business that deals with protecting the environment, along with animals, I can see me getting very emotionally invested in it. However, I wouldn't see it playing a day to day role in