22A – Elevator Pitch No. 3

The feedback I got was pretty uniform: Stand up. And that is exactly what I did. And I did feel a change, it made me feel more confident.


  1. I definitely think that standing helps a lot. It makes you seem more present and fluid in your movements. I also like how you mentioned the driving force behind why people are vegan, for people who are not in your typical market, hearing this may make them consider going vegan or looking into your product as well. Having a statistic in there about cowhide also makes you sound more credible.

  2. Hello Cristian!
    It seems that standing definitely helped your presence in the pitch. It made you appear stronger and more respectable. Your elevator pitch was very strong and well-informed. I like the way that you tried to get to the core of why people become vegan, and are using your business as a way to help people work in their own way toward the same compassion and care for the earth that vegans may have.
    Great statistic about cowhide also!


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