
Showing posts from April, 2018

26A – Celebrating Failure

I failed terribly at investing in bitcoin. Bitcoin was something I had been hearing about for two years now, and I never believed in it. It wasn't until early December of 2017 that I was really interested in investing, but I still didn't. Then around Christmas of 2017 it had almost doubled since early December, I was really kicking myself in but for not investing. Then it came down to about half and started rising again. I thought to myself that enough was enough and it was time for me to pull the trigger. I invested a good amount of money into it, from fear of missing out on the gains. Unfortunately shortly after some announcements were made and bitcoin went down a lot. I lost almost %70 of my investment. I learned to not invest out of emotions. I learned to not invest because that's what my friends were doing. and more importantly, I learned that I should really do research on something before investing. I'm glad that I only invested what I was willing to lose - a p

27A – Reading Reflection No. 3

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson What suprised me: How quirky and hippie Jobs was. He would indulge himself with drug like LSD and Pot. He enjoyed a very minimalistic life. But the quirkiest of all the things he did was his apple diet, where he ate only apples for 2 months.  What do I most admire: He set huge stretch goals for everyone around him. He would not let anyone tell him that something wasn't possible. Jobs always pushed everyone to their limits, sometime it went horribly wrong, but often it lead to incredible sucess.  What do I admire the least: I don't think he had a high emotional inteligence. He didn't seem to empathize a lot for other. He once got locked out of the Apple building because he had not showered or used deodorant and smelled terrible. That was part of his "minimalistic" mentality, but he didn't consider other around him when making those choises. What competencies did Jobs exhibit" He was incredi