16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce

My five human capital abilities:

  1. Flexibility Present - I do not rely on the past to determine my present feelings and emotions, I am sought out to live each moment of my life without any judgment or bias. Yet, I do have tendencies to do what I love and there is a  continuous magnetism that attracts me to that very thing. At the same time, I am not tied down emotionally to the present, which allows me to give it my full attention, focus, and even exhaustion, without fear that I might one-day change interest.  
  2. Creative - My being by nature is creative. Powered by curiosity, creativity answers questions logic doesn't. In my career, creativity is a requirement. I explore unconventional methods and try to figure out where I can draw outside the lines.  
  3. Accountable - I like to uphold the activities I say I will accomplish. To a degree, this contradicts #1, but if I say I am finishing something, especially if someone else is holding me accountable, I will accomplish that activity. 
  4. Detailed Oriented - The difference is always in the details. This comes to me in the form of organization, and perfection (to a fault). I like to be neat, organized, and have my works be as perfect as possible by making sure all small details excel. This hurst me sometimes because perfection (being detailed oriented) can sometimes be the enemy of progress. 
  5. Personable - In most situations, I will find a way to make friends. This allows me to make connections that without this skill I might not have otherwise built. 



My friends said nicer things about me than I expected. I have good friends haha its clear to me that they all do see how detail oriented I am, and it shows in my organizational skills. They believe that I am pretty driven, and looking back I would say I am more driven than creative. My personable traits shine through my ability to make situations humourous and the environment comfortable. No one really mentioned anything about me being "flexibly present", but I believe that is why I am good at the rest of my other human capital abilities. 


  1. I find it interesting how you are curious and creative, yet detail oriented. I see myself as detail oriented too, to the point of perfection which sometimes takes a lot of time. My reaction to what people said about me was similar to yours. They said generally what I thought my abilities were but in particular I think my family thought more highly of me because they’re my family.

  2. Hi Cristian,
    I think you have some really good traits that will help you in your career. I especially like the one where you hold yourself accountable because that shows that you are trustworthy and you probably have a lot of freedom to work with as a result. Being able to hold to your commitments is a trait people want to work with.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hello Cristian!
    These traits are going to be very helpful in the long run as you are delving further into your business ventures. Being personable and accountable are very important, as you will be able to develop relationships and then have them be willing to put their trust in you. I was also interested to see that my friends also thought I was good person!


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