My Bug List, Assignment 2A

1. My hands slipping on my towel during the first 15 minutes of my yoga class.
WHY it exists? Since my hands and the towel are dry, there is no grip. Once I get a bit more sweaty, my hands grip better to the towel.

2. My new MacBook Pro only has USB-C connectors, forcing me to carry additional peripherals to function with a standard USB 3.0 external hard drive.
WHY it exists? Apple is usually ahead of the curve when it comes to laptop technology. This time, however, they have really left behind a technology that is still very current.

3.  Not being able to rent out pick-up trucks from Enterprise because you are under 25.
WHY it exists? Statistics prove that males under the age of 25 are more likely to get traffic violations, accidents, pick faster cars, etc. And insurance companies deem you more liable, too liable to let you rent out a pick-up truck with Enterprise.

4. Chik-fil-A is closed on Sundays.
WHY it exists? With all due respect to the company - Since Chick-Fil-A is a Christian based company, they believe that Sunday's are meant to worship their god.

5. In America, healthcare is extremely expensive and lackluster for how frequent a 23-year-old male might use it.
WHY it exists? Greed. At some point in the legislative process, it was decided that it doesn't matter if a person doesn't visit the doctor often because they still run the risk of a health-related emergency, and they can make more money that way.

6. My cell phone slipping from my hands and falling on my face when I use it while lying down.
WHY it exists? In this case, gravity is not your friend. Your hand often gets tired and releases a bit of grip, enough for your phone to suddenly slip and land on your face.

7. Bluetooth headphones don't work when trying to watch a movie on a Delta flight because they still use traditional Auxilary jacks.
WHY it exists? Auxilary jacks are still a very relevant and common technology worldwide, but for those ahead of the curve using Bluetooth technology, we have to suffer slight inconveniences due to Deltas utilitarian outlook on their choices of listening devices.

8. Restaurants that still use plastic straws.
WHY it exists? Most restaurants value their customers so much they put the customer interest in front of the well being of our environment. Environmentally paper straws have not yet gained mainstream popularity for restaurants to start using them.

9. Freezing steering wheel when first getting in the car during weather below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
WHY it exists? Only recently did some cars start coming with heated steering wheels, but for the rest of us, the bare steering wheel mirrors the temperature of the outside.

10. It is unclear how clean hotel room glass cups really are.
WHY it exists? Due to a few videos, of hotel maids cleaning the glass cups with the same water from the sink and nothing else, that surfaced online and the generalization made from them, there is a widespread belief that glass cups in hotels are not adequately washed.

11. Reading a book and wanting to highlight something but not always having a highlighter available
WHY it exists? Books don't have a highlighter holder that would allow a highlighter to always be attached to it.

12. Walking into a Waldorf Astoria hotel room and not having voice activated lights.
WHY it exists? Amazon Alexa and Philips light bulbs have not yet partnered up with Waldorf Astoria hotels around the world to make this amazing feature a reality.

13. TSA pre-check lines are longer than regular TSA lines in Atlanta Airport
WHY it exists? TSA pre-check has grown rapidly in popularity making its user base just as large as non-TSA pre-check members.

14. Cryptocurrency "Coinbase" takes an incredibly long time to get its user's identification approved.
WHY it exists? Due to the rise of crypto popularity, Coinbase's servers are not adapted for such a surge in new users. They must update their servers to meet this new demand.

15. The little dust bits that get stuck underneath your tempered glass on your phones.
WHY it exists? The static energy forms a cling that attracts these dust bits and the environment in which I am applying the tempered glass isn't perfectly dust free.

16. Going on a vacation to Hawaii and not being able to jump off certain cliff jumping areas because the swell and waves are too rough.
WHY it exists? The swell and waves are unpredictable. There is no instrument that can exactly forecast how the swell and waves are going to behave on a certain day.

17. When renting a kayak, the rental company does not provide the trollies with wheels to easily drag the kayak to your destination. Making it difficult since you have to then lift the heavy kayak and take it to where you want to.
WHY it exists? It is something that rental houses don't offer since most people are not going too far with their kayaks on land.

18.  An iPhone having little battery left and although you have a charging cable, you have no power source.
WHY it exists? Apple is yet to come up with a way in which you can plug your phone into another iPhone that has plenty of battery and use their phone as a power source.

19. Not remembering if you have paid an invoice or not.
WHY it exists? As soon as you pay an invoice, you should check it off your to-do list. But that isn't always at your fingertips.

20. Sand sticking to your feet when they are wet.
WHY it exists? A repellent that doesn't allow sand to naturally sticks to your feet if they are wet does not exist.

Reflection: At first when starting this assignment I did have a hard time thinking about things that bothered me. But I realized that the best technique to use for this was to go about my regular day-to-day and be extra aware of those small instances when something did bother me. During those moments I then had to dig deep into the why. Was it something that bothered everyone? was it just me? After some reflection on those questions I knew if what bothered me was something personal or something that could be improved on in this world. 


  1. Hi Cristian,
    I really relate to the USB bug. I'm still on a fairly low quality PC but I haven't upgraded because I want an HDMI port and USB ports which seems to be outdated already but is still necessary to connect to my desktop. I'm afraid upgrading my computer means having to buy a bunch of adapters as well, and frankly, that's annoying. I also really like your idea of a cable that pulls power from another iPhone. I've never heard of that before. Maybe we really are moving away from the standard USB.


  2. I definitely related to more than one of your bugs. I had trouble earlier this year renting a car from Enterprise due to age restrictions. I also found bugs with the cold, like your one about the frozen steering wheel, but mine was about my scooter engine. I think the variable weather in the country plays a part at the moment and there should be a way to handle these problems. I also struggled with this task but when I thought about daily activities, found it much easier.

  3. I can relate to most of your bugs and the one that I find that actually bugs me the most on your list is when dust gets stuck in between the tempered glass and your phone when putting the protector on. Every-time that happens to me I literally have to start over and try again which is also a bug itself.

  4. Hello Christian!
    I relate to a lot of the bugs that you have on this this list. One in particular that I really resonate with is number five, because I don't have any healthcare, but it gets taken out of my paycheck (which I also included on my list). I really liked your number 8 bug, because I hadn't ever thought about how something as simple as plastic straws could actually be very harmful for our environment.

  5. Hey Cristian! My dad travels a lot and I go with him sometimes so I know how you feel for the 13th bug. I hate TSA so much and often times its long regardless of what line you go into. It is by far my least favorite part of traveling and airports. As far as number 15 is concerned, that ticks me off so much. I hate not having the screen protector on my phone perfectly. Usually I resort to paying someone at the Apple Store to put it on because I can never successfully put it on.


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