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7A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1


  1. Hi Christian,

    I see that some of your prospectives did not care very much for the idea, but I think it is a very interesting one. I think that, although it might be a difficult transition at first, it would force repair shops and everyone in general to be more responsible about repairing cars and curbing the sale of lemons. However, it could also really hurt the small-time shops, and take away some of what makes them great for their customers. The prices might go up, or the business might be hurt and shut down all together if they can't get the verification. There might even become some sort of black market for cheap repairs (haha).

  2. Hey Cristian,

    This is a really cool concept. I really like how it encourages the promotion of small business. I think that making it more enticing for people with cars (especially cars that are more inclined to need a lot of servicing) to utilize smaller car shops would be great for business and safety alike. It would let the consumer have a broader base of shops that can work on their cars while still being able to be updated on record which would increase the sell-back value as well.


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